Sport et plein air
test2 Véloroute Desjardins de La Matapédia Logo

Véloroute Desjardins de La Matapédia

420, route 132 Ouest
Amqui (Qc) G5J 2G6

The Matapedian stretch of the Route Verte (a bikeway network that goes around the whole province) is known as the Véloroute Desjardins de La Matapédia, providing locals and visitors alike with a 110-kilometre-long cycle route from Saint-Moïse to Routhierville. Cycling along the Véloroute Desjardins is a fantastic opportunity to take in the beautiful surroundings: the valley, Lake Matapedia, the mountains, and, of course, our numerous rivers. The route was designed for safety and is consistently marked to ensure you can easily stay on course.

Cartes de la véloroute

Les haltes vélo


Personne responsable : Francis St-Laurent

Clientèle visée : Pour tous

Période d’activité : De mai à septembre


Open in summer
Open in autumn
Open in spring