Snowmobile trip

You’ll find everything you need to plan your snowmobiling trip in La Matapédia right here!

Trail maps 

La Matapédia has 445 km of trails marked by two snowmobile clubs.

Vallée de La Matapédia snowmobile club - 01-104
The Vallée de La Matapédia snowmobile club manages approximately 260 km of high-quality, marked trails in the western sector of La Matapédia, including a section of the Trans-Québec 5. Our trails are also connected to local and regional trails so that snowmobilers can make the most of the available accommodation, food and fuel provision services.

La Coulée Verte snowmobile club - 01-116
La Coulée Verte snowmobile club manages the eastern sector of La Matapédia and also owns a snowmobile stopover in Albertville, where snowmobilers can warm up and relax during their trip.

Snowmobile trail map- La Matapedia 

Snowmobile trail map – Gaspésie

Attractions to discover

Lookout tower at Val-d'Irène Regional Park

Belvédère Val-d'Irène
Zone Blanche Photo

Mont-Saint-Pierre snow “ghosts”

Les fantômes de neige de la Montagne St-Pierre
Zone blanche photo

Lac-Alfred wind farm

Éolienne en motoneige
Zone Blanche Photo

Lake Matapédia

Lac Matapédia l'hiver


Snowmobile stopovers

Whether you’re looking to refuel, warm up or enjoy a hot meal after a day on the trails, you’ll find exactly what you need at the snowmobile stopovers in La Matapédia! Since business hours vary at each stopover, it’s a good idea to check the opening hours before starting your trip.

Albertville | Club La Coulée Verte snowmobile stopover

Access: Trans-Québec 5
Services available: 

  • Restaurant
  • Bar


418 756-3611

Relais la Coulée verte


St-Damase | St-Damase snowmobile stopover

Open 7 days a week when the trails are open
Access: Trans-Québec 5
Services available: 

  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Locker room
  • Wood-burning stove

418 776-2525


Relais St-Damase

Sainte-Irène | Le Villageois de Sainte-Irène resto-bar stopover 

Open year-round
Access: Regional trail
Services available: 

  • Gas station
  • Restaurant 
  • Bar
  • Locker room
  • Convenience store

418 629-1344


Le villageois

Causapscal | La Vallée du rêve stopover

Sentier local

  • Snack bar
  • Bar
  • Wood-burning stove

418 756-6008


Relais La Vallée du rêve

Packages available in the region

Amqui | Auberge l'Ambassadeur | 

If you’re looking for a fun and relaxing getaway in our picturesque region, the Auberge offers three snowmobile packages that may include:

  • 1 night
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner from the fixed-price menu (plus gratuity)
  • Garage for snowmobiles ($)

For more information: 1 888-588-6464

Auberge l'Ambassadeur


Causapscal | Auberge La Coulée Douce

Auberge La Coulée Douce offers multiple snowmobile packages that may includes:

  • 1 night (in the inn or in a cottage)
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner from the fixed-price menu (3 or 4-course meals)

For more information: 1 888 756-5270

Auberge la Coulée douce


Have a safe trip!