The Biggest Kids’ Drawings… In the World?
Next time you’re visiting the Gaspé Peninsula, why not come and see what might well be the biggest kids’ drawings in the world? The drawings are certainly huge and very impressive, and (in our opinion) are well worth a trip to Causapscal in La Matapédia!
Since fall 2020, an enormous mural has decorated the cultural centre in the heart of Causapscal, just around the corner from the church, the elementary school and the municipal office. This fantastic mural is the work of artist Pierre Durrette and is a reproduction of many children’s drawings. It was created during the COVID-19 pandemic as part of the #COVIDArtQC project run by the Chief Scientist of Québec’s Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Drawing inspiration from the pandemic, from conversations with psychology doctoral student Marianne Valois-Demers and from the psychological impacts of the pandemic on children, Pierre Durette created a huge mural designed to make children feel seen again and ensure they have a lasting presence in our daily lives. Unfortunately, children were in some ways erased from public view during the long months of lockdown, and the effects of isolation on children received hardly any media coverage in comparison to the impacts of COVID-19 on our health.