test2 Auberge Beauséjour Hébergement

Auberge Beauséjour

71, boulevard St-Benoit Ouest
Amqui (Qc) G5J 2E5

Located in the heart of Amqui, this 100-year-old inn will take you back in time with the comforts and commodities of modern life. Staying at the Beauséjour is getting to know the history of its beautiful architecture worthy of New England mansions. The inn has nine personalized bedrooms with air-conditioning, private bathrooms, hardwood floors, televisions and free Wi-Fi. A free continental breakfast included in the room rate.

Open in summer
Open in autumn
Open in winter
Open in spring

418 629-5531
Other phone
418 629-1657
Toll-free number
1 866 629-5531

418 629-1831